Beverley Community Lift (BCL) is a charity which aims to reduce loneliness and social isolation by transporting people who cannot easily use public transport – people who are frail, elderly, disabled (even temporarily disabled through accident or operation) or who live in rurally-isolated areas – to a whole host of places, not just to medical or dental appointments. The charity also seeks to enable independence for their users; for example, users with learning difficulties might not be able to work without transport to their place of employment. BCL also organises shopping trips and days out, which many of the users appreciate greatly, as without the charity, they could be housebound and perhaps not see anyone for days on end.
Passenger lifts are either by volunteers with their own cars (who are reimbursed their fuel costs) or by mini-bus with a trained volunteer driver and assistant. There are 7 mini-buses, all of which are wheel-chair accessible. Users are not charged for the lift, but a donation is always welcome!
The charity recently held a consultation evening for supporters to discuss ways in which more funds could be raised to support the service not only as it is at the moment, but also to grow awareness in Beverley and expand the areas it covers, so that more people can use it; this would also require more volunteer drivers and probably more mini-buses. BCL now helps people in the Market Weighton area but recognises the need for its service towards the south. This would also require more office support and more sophisticated IT systems – a further cost!
Attendees at the consultation evening had nothing but praise for the wonderful work the charity does and came up with ideas for discussion. Just Beverley held a sponsored Bicycle Ride last year to raise funds for BCL and helps sponsor one of the mini-buses; this is the kind of support where other businesses can get involved, too. If you or your business could be a supporter and help raise funds, please get in touch with BCL.
If you are in need of a lift anywhere or a day out and meet the criteria listed above, why not give BCL a call? Or if you could volunteer to help such a worthy cause, call 01482 868082