The Beverley Gardens & Allotments Association, now well settled into its store in Kitchen Lane, has had a busy and successful year. It has attracted many new members from people passing down the footpath towards Lincoln Way, some of whom were not aware of our previous, well established, gardeners’ shop at Beverley railway station. Many are still under the impression that membership is only for people with allotments to cultivate. This is not so, and anyone can join who has soil to plant into - we even sell an excellent liquid feed for window boxes! Membership is only £1 a year.
All our fertilisers are purchased in bulk, we then break them into smaller sizes more suitable for the allotment grower and home gardener etc. This way they work out at much lower prices than most of the pre-packaged ones available elsewhere. As well as all the normal range of single fertilisers (e.g. Sulphate of Ammonia & Sulphate of Potash) and compound fertilisers (Growmore) we also stock some specialist fertilisers like our No2 Liquid (great for tomatoes) and Maxicrop (seaweed base) for general nutrition.
Our range of composts includes both the soilless multipurpose type and the famous John Innes ones. We think that these are some of the best composts which you can buy anywhere. We also have canes (extra heavy), chicken manure pellets, horticultural fleece, yellow sticky traps for the greenhouse, lawn feeds etc. and much more that you need as a gardener, and we have a new, and improved, price list.
Dobies 2020 Seed Catalogues
We now have a limited stock of Dories excellent 2020 seed catalogues which entitle members to a 25% discount off all seed orders and 10% off other items - a significant saving which will more than cover your membership subscription. Once you have placed your order it will be delivered direct to your door. In addition to all the above if you need advice on a gardening issue we will try to help. Why not drop in and have a chat?
We are open Sunday mornings 10.00am to noon throughout the year. You will be made most welcome.