Affafit training for a healthier lifestyle

Ali Fitness

Personal trainer Ali Akkus has brought his training business to Beverley to help clients achieve a healthy lifestyle for their bodies and their future.

Affafit offers a specialised program with services that include body building, cardio, exercise, football education, technical and tactical exercises and weight loss.

After graduating from university in Turkey as a physical education and sports teacher, Ali stayed in Turkey to develop his specialty training in weight loss and cardio.

He has since brought Affafit to the UK to develop his business further.

Ali uses his own experience and equipment to help others achieve desired fitness levels by using exercises they enjoy. He intends to transform his experience and networking into a concrete business.

Affafit fitness programs are for people of all ages and are personalised and Ali is available to offer his support.

Ali’s motivation will drive his business into success as he uses the experience and networking that he developed through the years to achieve his goals and objectives at Affafit.

Call 07830 387271 for more information about starting training today.


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