About Beverley run costumed guided walking tours of Beverley.
You might have seen Sheel at the Market Cross on Tuesdays and Fridays (She is the one in 17th century costume). Sheel used to be a tour guide with the National Trust, and now she enjoys showing people around the town where she was born.
Sheel will explore Beverley’s history month by month.
On 28th June 1643 Sir John Hotham decided that he’d had enough of the Parliamentarians, and changed sides - he was the Governor of Hull who’d refused entry to Charles I the previous year, marking the beginning of the Civil War. He was also MP for Beverley.
He managed to escape from the Parliamentarians in Hull and rode north, heading for his home at Scorborough just north of Beverley. The route took him through Saturday Market. Unfortunately for Sir John, 800 Parliamentarian soldiers were on parade, led by Captain Boynton (who happened to be related to Sir John’s wife). Captain Boynton recognised Sir John, and grabbed his horse’s bridle.
Sir John was knocked from his horse, and taken prisoner. His son, Captain John Hotham, was also arrested.
They were taken to Hull, then from Hull by sea to London, and imprisoned in the Tower of London. Seventeen months later, they were executed on Tower Green.
Join me for guided walking tours through 1,300 years of history. Tuesdays and Fridays at 11am and 2pm. In July and August there’s an early evening tour as well - book online and meet at the Market Cross at 6pm.
For more information and to book, visit aboutbeverley.co.uk or call 07775 173755