A Christmas message from Councillor Linda Johnson, The Mayor of Beverley

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The last 18 months or so have been so challenging that anything which brings some kind of normality to our lives, like Christmas, is a bonus! Who would ever have imagined that the whole world would close down in this day and age - and that we are still facing the reality of living with this deadly coronavirus?

We all know of people who have sadly died from Covid-19 or are suffering from the after-effects, but I know that the wonderful of people of Beverley are there for the bereaved and the sick and anyone else who needs a helping hand.

Indeed, we celebrated some of these wonderful people in our recent ‘Mayor of Beverley Awards Night’, held at our own East Riding Theatre, when 8 ‘Good Neighbours’ and a ‘Special Award’ given to the organisers and volunteers of Beverley Mutual Aid, recognised some of the people who have gone the extra mile to help those in need.

It was also wonderful to be able to hold a civic event on Remembrance Sunday. Even though it was on a smaller scale than in years gone by, we were able, led by the Lord Lieutenant, Jim Dick, to lay our commemorative poppy wreaths in Hengate Gardens and show our respects to all those who have served, and the many who have made the ultimate sacrifice to ensure our country’s freedom. Singing ‘Abide with me’ always brings a tear to my eye, but the singing and accompanying Beverley Brass Band sounded wonderful and made a fitting tribute in the beautiful sunshine.

I love a good parade with marching bands and I hope you will all support the Mayor of Beverley’s Civic Service Parade on Sunday March 20th - details will be in the press and on the Town Council website nearer the date.

Talking about events, the Mayor’s Charities this year are Scope and HER Breast Friends. The ‘Mayor of Beverley’s Treasure Hunt’ held during the summer was so popular that there will be a ‘Mayor of Beverley’s Christmas Treasure Hunt’ during the month of December, with all proceeds, again, going to Scope.

I’ll also be holding a ‘Party in Pink’ to support HER Breast Friends at the Memorial Hall on January 28th - tickets will be available very soon from the Town Council and other outlets.

The night will be hosted by Alex from Beverley FM and include pink pig racing, ‘pink’ pong, spot prizes, musical entertainment, food and everyone attending will be invited to wear something pink or be ‘fined’!

Talking of clothing, I know that Christmas involves someone dressed in red who is far more important than any Mayor could be - Father Christmas!

I hope he visits each and every one of you on that special night when we also celebrate the arrival into our lives of Jesus of Nazareth. As we enter the season of Advent, I am looking forward to being able to celebrate Christmas with my friends and family and attend as many carol services as I possibly can to make up for last year, whilst buying presents from our local businesses.

Who needs to go out of Beverley? Beverley really does have it all and I am so blessed and honoured to have been elected as Mayor of Beverley No 418. Thank you.

It leaves me to wish you all a Safe, Healthy and Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. Cllr Linda Johnson

Just Beverley