Thu 13th June 2024
Train Driver Of Tomorrow Tyler S Vip Experience With Hull Trains

Popular open access rail operator, Hull Trains proudly arranged a very special VIP experience day for

a future star of the industry, six-year-old Tyler Grannon from Hull.

Tyler, who has faced significant challenges in recent times, was nominated for the once in a lifetime

experience day with teams at Hull Trains team after being nominated by friends through Hull

Children’s University.

The VIP train experience saw Tyler join the train at Hull station and travel with the onboard team to

Grantham. While with the team he enjoyed a special all-access cab experience, gaining a unique

perspective of what the driver does, and he also worked alongside the onboard team to understand

the customer requirements. This fantastic hands-on opportunity provided Tyler with a real insight of

the world of rail operations, making it an experience he will cherish forever.

Rose James, CEO Hull & EY Children’s University, said: “We received Tyler’s nomination from his

school for our Tim’s Surprise Programme, a scheme where we do something extra special for

children who have experienced a difficult time in their lives. We found out that Tyler really liked

trains and we knew that our friends at Hull Trains would go above and beyond to give Tyler a great


“What they have done for him has been incredible- Tyler has been made to feel so special and he

will remember this experience forever. We are so grateful to Hull Trains for helping our charity to

bring Tyler some joy. He said he would love to be a train driver when he grows up!”

Presented with his very own miniature Hull Trains uniform, Tyler was treated to a view from the

driver’s cab on the East Coast Main Line followed by a First Class experience on the return journey

between Grantham and Hull.

Tyler was also able to try his hand making onboard announcements as well as taking time out to

enjoy the hospitality on offer and was presented with a certificate of achievement as the train pulled

into Hull station to complete his day.

Tyler Grannon, said: “It’s been an awesome day! I really enjoyed getting to go in the driver’s seat

and everyone has been really friendly. One day I think I might like to work with trains. Thank you for

inviting me.”

Louise Mendham, Service Delivery Director at Hull Trains, said: “It has been our absolute pleasure

welcoming Tyler onboard with us for a VIP experience. It was great to see his passion for trains and

we were delighted to be able to showcase the various roles on offer at Hull Trains.

“At Hull Trains our people are fundamental to who we as a company and this is why our partnerships

with the local community are so vital to our success. We hope we can inspire more young people,

like Tyler, to enter the industry and our new Learning and Development Academy will play a crucial

role in developing the talent of tomorrow.”

Just Beverley