Toll Gavel United Church Beverley

Toll Gavel United Church Beverley

Toll Gavel United Church in Beverley will once again be participating in the annual Heritage Open Days

which are organised as a festival of history and culture. On Saturday September 7 th we are organising an Eco Fair which will take place in the church and in the church drive as our focus for this year. We took part in the planning and delivery of a similar event held at Beverley Minster in 2023. We have continued with this partnership and are keen to contribute to raising awareness of current environmental issues and how we can contribute to alleviating some of them.

We have chosen the theme ‘Be Creative to Save Creation’. We have invited several groups to join us and showcase their skills and contribution to supporting the precarious planet we all share.

Groups already booked in include: the Beverley Repair Café, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, Beverley Men in Sheds, Frith Farm, Beverley Fairtrade Group and the East Riding Countryside Access Team.

We have planned some activities to join in. One will be to design and make a poster which highlights a climate related or environmental issue. We have made over 30 already and these will be on display inside and outside the church to publicise issues we are concerned about. There will be an opportunity to make elephants from plastic milk bottles with one of our children’s workers. We hope this will help to highlight the danger much of our wildlife is facing because of loss of habitat, climate change and poaching.

Several people will be demonstrating practical eco ideas from the past, showing how people made their own household items or repaired them. We have become a throwaway society, and this is causing huge environmental problems. It does not have to be this way. We can be more careful and thriftier. Some of you will remember the saying, ’Make Do and Mend.’ which meant household items and clothes could be repaired rather than choosing to buy something new.

The event will be open from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. and entry is free. Refreshments will be available throughout the day. We hope you will come and join us, support the groups who will be present and perhaps think more carefully about how small changes to our lifestyle can help to save the planet.

The church will also be open the following mornings, Monday September 9th , Tuesday 10th and Thursday 12th for anyone to come and look round and have a cup of tea or coffee.

Just Beverley