The sum of all our parts - a poem by Clint Wastling

Layers Front Cover

Why don’t we sing with the dawn chorus?

8000 generations have gone before us 

until the threshold of an ancestor

crossed from Homo sapiens to Homo ergaster.

The sum of all who’ve departed

preserved in all who live today.

Their gift is in our double helix of DNA.

A fragile present.


When I look into the dawn,

glad once more of daylight,

who amongst our ancestors

first heard the blackbird, robin, wren

combine and raise an avian chorus

and who will be the last?


Clint’s poetry collection, from which The Sum Of All Our Parts is taken, is called Layers and is available from Tourist Information, Beverley. The launch is Wednesday 5th February 7.30pm at The Monks Walk.

Just Beverley