Major road improvements are to be carried out along a country road near Beverley next month. Walkington Heads
East Riding of Yorkshire Council is to invest £660,000 to upgrade the road surface along Walkington Heads, near Walkington, between the Wold Lane and Coppleflat Lane junctions.
The scheme is due to start on 13 March and last for up to four weeks.
The scheme will involve the use of a unique, carbon-reducing system, that will see the existing road surface removed to a substantial depth, then recycling that road surface material and relaying it.
This material is then overlaid with a new asphalt surface course.
Using this scheme, around 238 tonnes of carbon will be saved during the construction phase compared to traditional methods for this 1.6mile stretch of road.
This equates to the burning of around 92,000 litres of petrol or 9,000 cylinders of propane gas.
The savings have been calculated by council sub-contractor, Stabilised Pavements Ltd.
To ensure the safety of the workforce and members of the travelling public, the work will be carried out under a temporary road closure, with access only permitted for properties within the works area.
A signed diversion route will be in operation via Wold Lane, B1230 Walkington and Coppleflat Lane.
The work will be carried out by contractor Britcon (UK) Ltd/Specialist Surfacing on behalf of the Council.
Councillor Chris Matthews, the council’s portfolio holder for environment and climate change, said: “These road improvements are much kinder to the environment and we’ll be able to reduce our carbon footprint using this system, compared with regular methods.
“We’d also like to thank drivers and residents in advance for their patience while this work is carried out.”
PICTURE - Road improvements will be carried out on Walkington Heads.