Play areas in the East Riding will reopen on July 4 - with restrictions in place

Kids On Swings

All council play areas in the East Riding are due to reopen on Saturday 4 July, following the latest Government advice.

There are 84 play areas across the East Riding – with play equipment such as climbing frames and swings for young children – but all of them have been closed since the lockdown began in March.

But with further lockdown restrictions eased by the Government, play areas are allowed to reopen from this weekend.

However people are being urged to take notice of signs at all of the sites reminding families of the current COVID-19 restrictions in place to help keep everyone safe. These include:

  • Judge the risk of COVID-19 to you and your family before entering the play area.
  • If you or anyone in your family are showing symptoms of COVID-19 do not enter the play area.
  • Wash or sanitise your hands before and after using the play area and try not to touch your face while playing.
  • Remember to socially distance from people outside of your bubble.
  • Refrain from eating and drinking in the play area.

Paul Tripp, head of streetscene services at East Riding of Yorkshire Council said: “I know many parents and children will welcome the reopening of play areas, but people must continue to following the guidelines on social distancing and hand washing.

“At the present moment our staff are visiting all of our play areas and carrying out safety checks on all of the equipment to prepare them for the reopening, and this will be repeated on a weekly basis to check that the signage is still in place.”

Just Beverley