Northern Rail has no intention of axing direct trains from Beverley to Doncaster.

Northern Rail Service

Northern Rail has no intention of axing direct trains from Beverley to Doncaster, says Graham Stuart MP.

Beverley MP, Graham Stuart, has received assurances from Northern Rail that the Bridlington to Sheffield service is very likely to continue its stops at Beverley under the new timetable from May 2018 being finalised by Network Rail.

Graham Stuart MP said “The Bridlington to Sheffield train, which stops at Beverley and Doncaster, is a direct, quick and efficient way for East Yorkshire residents to access transport to the rest of the country, and my constituents rely on it for work and leisure.

“I am encouraged to hear from Northern Rail that they have no intention of axing the direct Beverley to Doncaster line in the new timetable coming in next May, although the final decision lies with Network Rail. The position at the moment is that Northern Rail have submitted their proposed timetable to Network Rail, who will respond by the end of the year.

“I have written to Network Rail today to underline the importance to my constituents of the Beverley stop on the Bridlington to Sheffield line, and I’ve also written to Northern Rail to request that MPs are added to their list of statutory consultees for timetable changes.”


Just Beverley