KCOM takes first step to share broadband infrastructure in East Riding following demands from Graham Stuart MP

Kcom Takes First Step To Share Broadband Infrastructure In East Riding Following Demands From Graham Stuart Mp

After months of meetings in Beverley, Hedon and Parliament, Graham Stuart MP is very pleased that KCOM has taken the first step towards sharing its broadband infrastructure to reduce the number of telegraph poles in Beverley and Holderness.


It was announced yesterday that KCOM has sent a feasibility study to the Hull based fibre broadband provider, Connexin, to ask for their views.


Since last Autumn, Graham has met with Ministers, with the CEOs of KCOM, MS3, Connexin, and East Riding Council to press them to give some power and control back to the people. He has been clear from the start that ugly and unnecessary poles should not be erected in residential areas where broadband infrastructure already exists. If KCOM follows through with its intentions and Connexin agrees it is something they can work with then the installation of this additional infrastructure could end.


East Riding Council has been working tirelessly with Graham throughout this process to resolve the issue. In October South West Holderness Councillors John Dennis and Sue Steel joined Graham in meetings with local campaigners in Hedon where the strength of feeling against these poles was clear. Following this, Graham hosted campaigners in Parliament to discuss how they could raise their concerns at the highest level to stop the duplication of poles blighting our towns.


In December Connexin announced their intention to erect telegraph poles in Beverley. Graham responded by bringing together cross-party councillors from the town to give them the opportunity to express their concerns to Connexin about its plans.


While this announcement is welcome news, Graham knows that there is more to do.

He is scheduled to have another meeting with the Minister for Digital Infrastructure, Julia Lopez, and local MPs on the 25th March. Graham will leave the Minister in no doubt that it is vital that KCOM put their words into action and finally share their broadband infrastructure with Connexin and MS3.


Graham Stuart commented: “This could be the breakthrough we’ve been pushing so hard for. At last we have KCOM admitting there was more they could do to help their broadband competitors come into the market by making it reasonable for them to share the existing KCOM infrastructure.


“I hope it will bring to an end the ridiculous situation where there is perfectly good existing infrastructure already in place down residential streets which isn’t being shared.


“I’m delighted KCOM has put together a feasibility study to present to Connexin. Now let’s see how Connexin react to this. Connexin need to be given the time to consider what's in the report to see if it's something they can work with. This could just be the start of the process and I will work with both sides to find the solution.


“We need to bring this issue to a close as soon as possible this year with KCOM, Connexin and MS3 working in concert to bring broadband competition and lower prices to our area without the streetscape being strewn with ugly poles and wires.”

Photo - Graham Stuart MP, Chairing a meeting with Beverley and Molescroft Councillors on telegraph poles.

Just Beverley