Special open events are being held at East Riding College this month for people who are interested in enrolling on a sports degree in September.
They will be held at the campus in Gallows Lane, Beverley, on Tuesday, June 16, and in St Mary’s Walk, Bridlington, on Thursday, June 18, both from 4pm to 7pm.
The events will be a chance to find out about the Foundation Degree in Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences and the BSc (Top-Up) Sports, Coaching and Health Sciences, which are available at both campuses.
Lecturer Abigail Brunton said: “These courses have been consistently popular over a number of years and these open evenings are an opportunity to find out why.
“We have so many examples of students who have gone on to great careers in leisure management, teaching, sports development and more.”
“Higher education lectures at East Riding College take place in classrooms rather than lecture theatres so it’s an excellent environment for interacting with your tutor and course colleagues.
“Our course fees are also very competitive and there are tuition fees loans available for full and part-time study, and living cost loans for full-time study.”
The foundation degree allows students to develop their knowledge through a large spectrum of exercise, science, fitness and coaching-based modules aiming to demonstrate how the applied nature of sports and science can influence performance and fitness.
The BSc (top up) degree is a one-year course for those who have completed the foundation degree or equivalent and would like to achieve the full BSc degree.
For more information about higher education and sports courses at East Riding College, go to www.eastridingcollege.ac.uk or call 0845 120 0037.