Beverley High School has been rated as good with some outstanding features following a recent Ofsted inspection.
Inspectors found that the quality of teaching and the achievement of pupils were outstanding.
The report said: “Students make excellent progress throughout Key Stages 3 and 4 because the school has focused relentlessly on raising achievement since the last inspection. Students achieve standards that are well above average and are continuing to rise in many subjects.
“Many students make rapid progress over time, including in English and mathematics because much teaching is outstanding.
“The headteacher has provided very strong leadership in driving up standards and progress. As a result, students are prepared very well for the next stage of their education, or for training and employment.
“Student’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding is promoted exceptionally well through the curriculum and through daily routines.
Inspectors said the school could improve further if the students’ attitudes to learning are consistently of the highest standards, if their views are listened to and fully considered by the staff and if the school has the highest expectations of punctuality to school and takes prompt and effective action to improve it.
Beverley High School’s previous Ofsted inspection reported that the school ‘requires improvement’.
Councillor Julie Abraham, portfolio holder for children, young people and education, said: “This is a super report and an excellent outcome for the school.
“The quality reflected in this report does not happen by accident – it happens because of outstanding leadership and teaching and the hard work that has gone into Beverley High School has been acknowledged by Ofsted.
“Everyone at the school can be very proud of their achievement and look forward to taking Beverley High to the next level.”
Sharon Japp, headteacher at Beverley High School, said: “I am delighted that Beverley High School has been recognised as outstanding by Ofsted for achievement and the quality of teaching, these are the core functions of a school.
“Students at Beverley High School receive a first class education as a result of expert teachers who really care about each individual student and the progress they make, and support them to realise their ambitions.
“Staff and students celebrated at a whole school assembly before the Easter holidays and, with the help of the students’ parents, have worked their socks off to ensure outstanding achievement in recent years and everyone was justifiably proud of what the school has achieved.”
Students were commended by Ofsted for knowing the purpose of learning, behaving maturely, wanting to learn and working industriously, and sixth formers were described as good role models for younger students who look up to them.
Ofsted complimented the leadership and governance of the school for knowing the school very well indeed and for being determined to continue to improve further.