Graham supports improvements to shared cycleway/footway connecting Bishop Burton and Beverley

Graham Supports Improvements To Shared Cycleway Footway Connecting Bishop Burton And Beverley

Graham Stuart, Member of Parliament for Beverley and Holderness, has written to the Chief Executive of East Riding Council to express his continued support for improvements to the shared cycleway/footway connecting Bishop Burton and Beverley. 

This is a project proposed by East Riding Council which would extend the widened shared path from the A1035 to Beverley Racecourse. If constructed, this would reduce pollution and congestion as it would be easier for more people to walk or cycle along the route. Making it convenient to exercise in the area will have the added benefit of improving people’s health and mental wellbeing, which both Graham and East Riding Council are committed to doing across Beverley and Holderness. 

East Riding Council has already been successful in its bid for Phase 1 of Active Travel England’s Active Travel Fund, which Graham supported in 2021. This will be used to install a new Toucan crossing at the roundabout to ensure safer access across the A1035 Dog Kennel Lane to encourage pedestrians and cyclists to use the route. Doing so will provide a safe route for local people and the staff and students of Bishop Burton College to walk and cycle on to avoid the busy carriageway. 

The Council aims to bid for Phase 2 of the Active Travel Fund in the coming months and will keep Graham updated on its progress. 

Graham Stuart commented: “I’m pleased to support improvements to the shared cycleway/footway connecting Bishop Burton and Beverley. 

“This project will encourage more people to walk and cycle, leading to reduced congestion, less pollution and improvements to people’s health and mental wellbeing. 

“I look forward to seeing Phase 1 of this work take place early next year and the benefits this will bring our area.” 

Just Beverley