Parents and carers of Year 6 children in East Riding will today, Monday 3 March, find out which secondary school they will attend in September.
97.8 percent of pupils have been offered their first preference, with over 99 percent of families being offered one of their three preferred schools.
East Riding of Yorkshire Council received 3,140 applications. 3,070 pupils have been allocated their first preference school and 3,129 children have been allocated a place at one of their three preferred schools - an increase of one percent from last year.
Only 11 children were unable to have a place at any school named as their preference and of these, 10 children have been allocated a place at their catchment area school. One pupil has been allocated a place at the nearest East Riding school with a place available.
7 of the 18 East Riding secondary schools have filled all their available places; Beverley Grammar School; Beverley High School; Driffield School; Goole Academy; Hessle High School; South Hunsley School and The Snaith School.
Councillor Victoria Aitken, cabinet member for children, families and education, said: "I am really pleased that 97.8 percent of pupils have been offered places at their chosen school. We work hard to ensure as many children as possible receive their preferred schools.”
This year there has been a decrease in the number of secondary school applications, due to a smaller cohort than previous years, however, there has been an increase of on-time applications made. This reflects the work that has been undertaken to encourage on-time applications and minimise late applications which provides greater certainty to schools and parent/carers earlier in the year, allowing for transition and preparation for starting a new school.
319 children living in other local authority areas have been allocated places at schools in the East Riding, an increase from 286 in 2024, with the largest number (216) coming from Hull (up from 203 in 2024). This reflects more availability of school places in the areas of the East Riding closest to Hull.
157 East Riding resident children have been allocated places at schools in other local authority areas, including 109 who have been allocated places at schools in Hull.
This year 96.7 percent of applications were made online, and those families who choose to receive an email with their offer, will receive their email with their child’s allocated school by midday. Families that didn’t request an email, will receive a letter by post over the next few days.