Do you fancy riding in a Nocturne Cyclo-cross event?

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Nathan Wilson's victory  in the Wilsons Wheels Cycling Team on Tuesday night in one of the 'Vive le Velo' Spring series Cyclo-cross Nocturne events at the Costello Stadium, has set the team up for more success in the coming months. The exciting news is that YOU can get involved as well!

The last few opportunities to ride in the Nocturne Cyclo-cross  ' Vive le Velo' Spring series at Costello Stadium are on the Wednesday evenings of 21st March and 4th April, with registration from 17.30.

The Cyclo-cross is run within the fenced confines of Costello stadium.  The floodlights provide good coverage, illuminating most of the course, although there are some shaded parts in more wooded areas. The 1.5 - 2km course offers the participants a variety of challenges, in both skill and technique. There are many adverse cambers on climbs and inclines where many loose control and there are obstacles where the majority of riders have to dismount - although the most skilful can bunny hop them which gains vital seconds. There are hairpin turns around terracing, which are wide enough to allow over-taking and a mound, which has a shallow ascent and a steeper ascent, both of which have a camber. On another side of the mound there is a steep ascent with a dead turn then the same angle of decent. When many riders approach this section at the same time it's often an advantage for the riders to run with their bikes up the hill! It is an adrenaline-filled sport for both riders and spectators!

There is an excellent team of volunteers at  the Costello Stadium - it's fair to say that without their help the event would not take place.  They and the event sponsor design and help mark out the course (which takes about 3 hours) and they then take on the roles of signing on clerks, judges, marshals and  British Cycling officials. After the  event, the course has to be removed, which takes a little less time, so all is over by 9.15pm. But the course has to be ready for the first event, which starts at 6.30pm!

The evening starts with an event for children Under 12 which is completely free to enter and lasts for 15 minutes. The course is shorter so that parents can see their child cycling around all of it. Children just need to turn up with their bikes and helmets and complete a parental consent form. Encouragement is free and it's great fun! 

Then there's a Youth race for 12-16 year olds which uses the full adult course. It costs £5 and starts at 6.50pm.

The main event starts at 7.40pm  and is for anybody over 16 Juniors, Seniors, Veterans and Ladies.

Entry fee is £10 if a British Cycling (BC) member; if not a BC member there is an additional £3 for BC day membership. We like to restrict this event to 80 riders for the sanity of the judges and rider safety! 

Unfortunately due to time constraints there is no novice event but anyone can have a go; the experienced riders will always shout to let  novices know which side they will overtake! 

The last event of the series, on April 4th, will be in the opposite direction. The concrete faces of the spectator terracing become the dismount obstacles  and there are three! This will be much harder to negotiate!

For more details please see British Cycling website

The sponsor if the series is Vive le Velo, which has a Facebook page, which has more details; the organising club is City Road Club (Hull) which has a Facebook and website. Or contact Paul Brearley on 07864 211007 at    Check the information on the web sites on the day of the event to ensure they are going ahead.

Cycle helmets must be worn at all times when on the course.

Future events by Vive le Velo Nocturne will be will be two in September and two in October 2018. 

Just Beverley