It’s the age old argument of whether it is effective to make New Years resolutions or not. Do we limit ourselves and our potential by committing ourselves to goals we expect instant gratification from, and do we overlook goals that are actually achievable?
While the turn of the New Year symbolises new beginnings, every year people all over the UK set themselves targets and resolutions that may be doomed before they have even begun.
Some research on the accountability of New Year’s resolutions has found that only 12% of people will ever meet their resolution goals.
The main reason being typically people treat a marathon like a sprint when it comes to goal setting.
Most people fail because of the way they set out to achieve their goals, setting goals that are too demanding and too unachievable in the short term to experience quick gratification.
However, it’s not the resolutions that are the problem. It’s the expectations. Ensure you meet your New Year’s resolutions by setting small, short term goals that are achievable and will keep you engaged enough to stay on track for the big picture.
For example, if your resolution is to shake your bad habits you can’t expect them to disappear overnight. You need to find enjoyable ways of staying on track.
There are very few who could stay consistently motivated while doing something they hate, which is why enjoying the process is an important factor in achieving goals.
Make sure to keep track of your progress to hold yourself accountable, as well as stay motivated when you see yourself reaching the targets.
If you know anyone who shares your goals, offering mutual support for each other will also help keep you on track.
If there’s no one physically there to support you, join online communities and support groups where you will find like-minded people to inspire and motivate you on the days you are struggling.
Do you do resolutions or make changes to last? What's the secret to keeping them?
Wed 29th December 2021