A question that many local people have been asking themselves, is why is there still a real Christmas tree in Beverley’s Wednesday Market six months after the festive season?
The answer is small, both in words and physical size: a bird’s nest.
Shortly after Christmas and before the tree was scheduled for removal, birds had started to nest in the tree and were calling it home. The situation has caused quite a bit of local interest, with BBC Look North recently covering the story. The Town Council has also received messages of thanks and support for making sure the tree remains in place to protect wildlife.
Councillor Alison Healy, Chair of Beverley Town Council’s Planning Environment and Services Committee. Pictured here being interviewed by BBC Look North in front of the tree, she explained:
“When members of the public reported that birds were nesting in the tree, the Town Council realised it had to follow the law and leave the tree in place so as to not disturb them. As time has gone by, the once green needles of the tree are now copper in colour, but remarkably very few have fallen off, so it is still thick with foliage. However, because people have been understandably asking the Town Council why we have not removed it yet, notices have been placed on the tree explaining the situation”.
Under Section 1 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, it is against the law to intentionally take, damage or destroy the nest of any wild bird while it is in use or being built. Even if it is only a single nesting, non-rare bird, the rule applies. Removing the tree would be the equivalent of knowingly breaking this law.
Therefore, Beverley Town Council is working with East Riding of Yorkshire Council, which will monitor the situation and remove the tree once it is satisfied the nest is no longer in use.
Councillor Healy added:
“Whilst some people may think we’ve forgotten to remove the tree, Beverley Town Council wants to assure them that this is not the case. We are fully aware of the situation and simply have to adhere to the law. In the meantime, we hope the birds enjoy their temporary town centre, high-rise residence.”