Forget diets - adopt a new lifestyle!

Tue 5th April 2016
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So many people seem to be continually on diets! They go on a diet for their holidays, they go on a diet for Christmas, their New Year Resolution is to lose weight! They join diet clubs, lose lots of weight and then put it all back on again when they stop going to the club!

Why is this? I think there are two main reasons why diets don’t work. First, it’s because we eat the wrong types of food. Diets based on processed, sugar-laden, wheat-based food is not what our bodies need; it prevents our bodies working efficiently and effectively and causes weight gain.

If we eat food in as natural a manner as we can without additives or manipulation, then we can become fitter and healthier. Fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts and seeds, whole grains, coconut and olive oils, grilled fish and meat with herbs and spices for seasoning are the basics we need to ensure we have optimum nutrition.

The second reason diets don’t work is that we have not convinced our subconscious mind that if we are slimmer it’s better for our long-term health.

If the subconscious mind associates slimming with restricting food choices, then it will rebel. If it thinks we are going to be hungry because we can only eat a certain number of calories every day, LIFESTYLE it will do everything it can to sabotage our efforts.

If our subconscious thinks that losing weight is going to cause us to be less safe in that we could starve, then it will put temptation in our way. 90% of what we do is subconsciously motivated – the subconscious mind is the difference between success and failure in almost everything we do!

As a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Life Coach, I help my clients overcome their reticent subconscious minds with positive suggestions delivered whilst relaxed. Once the subconscious mind is engaged and the positive reasons for becoming slimmer and fitter accepted, losing weight becomes so much easier.

Additionally, my background in science and fitness means I can also give nutrition and exercise advice which further helps with weight loss. You learn to eat food which helps you stay fuller for longer and provides important protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. I also help you to incorporate exercise into your daily routine so you become more toned.

Adopting a new lifestyle is the best way to ensure you become the healthier, fitter person you want to be.

It’s not about dieting – it’s about a new way of living so that you release the new you! If you would like to find out more, visit, follow @RYPotential, check out my Facebook page or give me a call for a chat 07585 802035.

Whatever you do - be happy! Linda

Just Beverley